The story of Adventure Time centers on a young kid named Finn the Human (Jeremy Shada), who has magical abilities to change his size at will, and his best friend and adopted brother Jake the Dog (John...

8.60 1204

The sitcom follows 10-year-old Ben Tennyson (Tara Strong), his cousin Gwen (Meagan Smith), and their grandfather Max (Paul Eiding) as they travel cross-country for a summer vacation. Ben discovers an ...

7.40 477

Once again, Ben Tennyson, who is now fifteen years old, is called upon to use his powerful Omnitrix device to help find his missing grandfather, Max. Along with his cousin Gwen and his former enemy Ke...

7.30 425

Ben 10 is a successful franchise that features a young hero named Ben Tennyson, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max on a road trip across the country during summer vacation. Ben discovers the Omnitrix, a...

2.90 362

The show centers around a teenage boy named Ben Tennyson, who possesses the Omnitrix, a potent watch-like device that enables him to transform into a variety of alien beings, each with its own unique ...

7.70 358

The show is about Ben Tennyson, a sixteen-year-old boy who has a powerful device called the Omnitrix, which is like a watch and lets him transform into different aliens, each with their own unique abi...

6.20 345

The trio of children at Camp Kidney, a summer camp with questionable management, are the subject of the television series, which is set in a universe where only anthropomorphic animals of various spec...

6.40 381

Chowder follows the whimsical adventures of its titular character, a cat-bear-rabbit hybrid who dreams of becoming a great chef. Working under the guidance of Chef Mung Daal at his catering business, ...

7.40 317

Clarence follows the adventurous and optimistic 10-year-old Clarence Wendle as he navigates life in the fictional town of Aberdale, Arizona. With his two best friends—Jeff, the thoughtful and intell...

6.80 280

An animated series about a recent graduate of an Atlanta performing arts school who decides to give up an exciting singing career to become a music educator....

6.50 410

Josh and Emily, a couple in their early 30s, live in a Los Angeles duplex with their young daughter, Candice. Their close friends, Alex and Bridgette, who are divorced, share the space as well. While ...

7.80 368

Codename: Kids Next Door follows five enthusiastic yet bumbling ten-year-olds as they unite to fight against the challenges of adulthood and advocate for the joys of childhood. These spirited kids tac...

7.20 403